Your advice journey
FANTASTIC! You’ve made a great choice to start thinking about your finances!
Step 1: Discuss
To get the most out of our first meeting, you should bring:
Your latest payslip or recent tax return (if relevant to your circumstances)
Any insurance policies you have (if available)
Information about investments, loans and superannuation (if available)
It’s also important to have a clear idea about what you want to achieve, and what parts of your current lifestyle you’d like to maintain.
Towards the end of our first meeting with you, we will discuss and agree upon an advice fee upfront. Our advisers work on a fee for service model, the price is dependent on how complex your needs are, and how much work you’d like us to do for you. There are no hidden fees and you receive a written statement detailing the services we provided and the charges.
Step 2: Plan
Once we have your financial goals and aspirations, agreed upon a fee, we will work on a personalised plan with defined priorities, objectives, and recommendations. We meet again to explain possible strategies, run through the different options, and make sure you are on track to achieve your goals.
Step 4: Maintain
The level of service we agree to in step 2 Plan, outlines the amount of contact you would like. Most of the continuous maintenance work for your plan happens behind the scenes, meaning most Client’s prefer an annual face-to-face formal review of your plans and discussing any changes you would like to implement. Unless there are changes in the legislation which would impact you, in which case we would be in touch to discuss these.
However, we do have an ‘Open-door Policy’ and encourage our Client’s to contact us by phone, email or come and see us, especially with any concerns or if you experience any change in your situation.
Anytime a key life event happens, be sure to get in touch. Got a new job? Promoted? Retiring? Birth or death in the family, or receipt of an inheritance, please be sure to come and see us when you can, don’t wait for your next review. You can come see us, and we can change and amend your financial plan to reflect your new situation.
When key life events happen, such as retirement/redundancy, a birth/death in the family, or receipt of an inheritance, you don’t need to wait until your next review to come and see us. You can come and see your financial advice specialist to keep your financial plan up to date.