Types of advice
When the unexpected happens, insurance can help ease the financial stress. An injury or illness could put you out of action temporarily or permanently, or cause your untimely death, putting you and your loved ones under considerable strain. So, no matter what stage of life, there can be significant advantages to having insurance cover in place.
What insurance in super do you have?
Do you know if you have insurance in super? And if you have insurance, is it the right type and amount of cover for you? This knowledge is the first step to making sure you are financially protected when you need it the most.
Holding the right insurance can be important. Here are three main insurance types within super for you to consider*:
Death cover: paid on the death of the insured member or if they’re diagnosed as terminally ill with a life expectancy of generally 12 or 24 months.
Total & Permanent Disability (TPD): paid if an insured member becomes disabled and is unable to ever work again or unable to look after themselves.
Income Protection: provides a replacement income of a specified amount for members who are unable to work due to illness or injury.
*We recommend you seek advice from Esti at Aspira to obtain advice tailored to your personal circumstances.
What insurance do you need?
There are several factors involved in determining which type and the amount of cover you will need. Some of the things you might need to consider are: your income, dependents, whether you are the sole income or contributor to the family budget, your level of debt (mortgage, credit cards and loans), valuable assets and more.
We recommend you speak with our team to obtain advice personalised to your needs. You can get in touch with our team here.
Investments / Maximise Wealth
Financial planning is important for everybody. The team at Aspira sincerely believe everyone should take advantage of financial planning to build their wealth, reduce debts and work towards living a comfortable lifestyle now and in retirement. The sooner you get started, the better.
Investments are useful for providing income during your retirement years, but also to support your shorter-term financial goals. A good starting point for investing is to ensure you have a proactive budget to support a good financial plan. If you don’t know where your money is going, how can you be sure it’s going to the right places?
We can utilise many avenues to maximise your wealth including managing your property assets, any additional cash flow, stocks, and investigating additional options such as annuities, bonds and shares, depending on your current financial situation.
If invested properly, even a small amount of money can help you reach your financial goals. You can leave it to us to formulate a strategy which ensures your cash-flow is allocated to the areas important to achieving your goals, whatever they may be.
To discuss options which might be suitable for you, contact Aspira today on admin@aspiraadvicesolutions.com.au
Superannuation and retirement planning while related, are not exclusive. Whether you are just starting out in your career or looking towards the retirement years, Superannuation is very important. We get it, for many of us retirement is years, even decades away so we understand if you’ve been more focussed on more present issues. But this is your money, so it’s important to get it right.
At Aspira we work together to utilise the multitude of options available to you. Like choosing the right fund and the right option in that fund, merging multiple accounts from previous jobs, and look at the different types of ways to balance, plan and prioritise to safeguard your future plans today.
It’s hard to know where to start, there are so many options out there. We’re here to help you work through them to develop a superannuation strategy which makes sense for your situation now and continues to into the future.
There are several reasons why it is incredibly important to be paying attention to your super now, they include potential tax incentives or minimisation strategies, ensuring ALL your super accounts are merged, keeping track of and adjusting the different investments types (cash, bonds, shares, annuities) within your super, making sure your minimising fees and additional ways to boost your super and make it work harder now, so you can relax in the future.
Speak to us about ways we can help boost your super today.
Superannuation is your money. By making regular and smart superannuation contributions over the course of your working life, you are more likely to have significant savings to help pay for your life after work. Leading us into Retirement Planning.
Retirement Planning
When people look ahead to retirement, it's not the big changes they look forward to - it's having more time to do the things they already love. Our role is to make sure clients can keep enjoying the best parts of their life as they get older - whether it’s a long lunch, overseas trips or simply spending more time with their family.
Aspira considers all parts of your life and provides advice which helps you accumulate wealth, but also helps balance, plan and prioritise what you want from life. Putting together the financial strategies which will help you achieve your goals.
There are two key questions generally asked when thinking about retirement? When do I want to retire? When can I retire? With good planning, the answer can be the same.
At least 9.5% of the income you earn during your entire working life goes into superannuation. That’s a lot. Chances are it’s going to be the largest investment asset you have come retirement. Whatever life stage you are at we can help.
It’s hard to know where to start, there are so many options out there. We’re here to help you work through them to develop a superannuation strategy which makes sense for your situation now and continues to into the future.
Find out more about retirement or ways to stay healthy and happy in retirement.
Aged Care / Estate Planning
Aged care
Whether considering options for yourself, or deciding how best to help your loved ones, the need for aged care can be sudden, often due to unexpected changes in health. It can also be an overwhelming transition for you and your family. On top of the personal and emotional challenges, there are several important considerations and decisions such as:
which facility is suitable for you?
what fees will you need to pay and how should you fund them?
what should you do with your family home and
what impact will the move have on social security benefits?
While a financial adviser can’t remove the emotional aspect of the process, we can help guide you through some of the uncertainty and complex financial elements, so you are able to make an informed decision.
We help with strategic advice to plan for your ongoing cashflow requirements, aged care cost and well thought estate planning.
Find out more about entering aged care and any fees which may apply, by contacting us.
Estate planning
Often, we assume estate planning just involves a Will detailing who we’d like to inherit any assets when we pass away. However, while a Will can help ensure your estate is distributed according to your wishes, it may not be effective in dealing with a significant portion of your wealth.
For example, the proceeds from superannuation funds and life insurance policies don’t automatically form part of your estate, which means addressing these investments in your Will may not be effective unless you take some important additional steps.
A well-prepared and executed estate plan can ensure your wishes are carried out so the right assets go to the right people at the right time, in an efficient and tax-effective manner. It can also ensure if you are unable to make important financial and lifestyle decisions for yourself, the person of your choice is able to step in on your behalf.
To walk through further steps for planning your estate, get in touch with our Team today.